As I am setting goals and gearing up for a busy 2017, I had to give a huge shoutout to all of my clients from 2016! Thank you for trusting me to capture your special memories. Thank you for supporting me in pursuing my dream! I’ve been looking back over each of my sessions in 2016 and feeling so incredibly blessed. I have the best clients who have overwhelmingly supported me. 2016 was my first “official” year in business. This was the year that I decided to dive in to my photography with all my heart. Many hours were spent online watching tutorials and learning how to use my camera to the… Keep Reading
SJ Ranch Branding | Laketown, UT Photographer
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…..spring is my favorite time of year! And with spring comes branding season! This year we were able to go help the SJ Ranch in Laketown! This was our second year going, and it was a blast! The weather was perfect with a light wind to keep the dust down. After bringing in all the cows and calves in from the field they sorted most of the cows from the calves and put the calves in a smaller pen where they then roped and brought them to the ground crew to be branded and get their vaccines. It was such a fun… Keep Reading
First Branding of 2016
Branding season is here! It’s always fun to see all the little calves! Last year when we branded Tatum was still really little and slept the entire time. This time he wanted to ride the horses, yell at the calves, swing dads rope and get plenty dirty!
USU Rodeo
This coming weekend is the Utah State University home rodeo! It is so fun to watch each year! Last year it rained, and rained, and rained and rained. Everything was a muddy soupy mess. But it sure made for some fun pictures! Here are some of my favorite from last year, and can’t wait to see what this weekend brings for the team! Save
We haven’t been roping a ton this year since Tatum was born, so it was so fun to have a night to watch DJ and his brother rope together at a jackpot! Save